• O.V. Akimova
Keywords: creativity psychology, professional reflection, professional competence, professional self-consciousness


The fact that creative intellectual activity is the most likely appearing sphere of intelligent emotions and opposed to routine forms of activity is observed in the article.
In comparison with the relatively routine activities during the creative processes the emotional component prevails. The types and kinds of reflection inherent to creative thinking areal ode fined in the article. Reflection in four main areas is studied. The attention to four main aspects as cooperative, communicative, personal and intellectual is paid.
The different ideas about the psychological mechanism of the reflection process, which became the basis for the basic psychological models of reflection determining, are analyzed in the following research. The reflection on the stage of innovative educational activities implementation is accompanied by two processes. The first one is when the teacher returns from the very beginning to the prediction step and follows for the individual components of the concept from over there. The second one is connected with a reflection on his own activities. It means that the process of the purpose – oriented realization occurs with the teachers’ capabilities and external conditions analysis.
The reflection on the certain activity in terms of the consequences of the introduction of pedagogical innovations provides an analysis of changes in operating conditions. The teacher-innovator thus should have abilities to separate, his own and some other’s consequences valuing in the innovations implantation and to predict the following consequences. The reflection is also treated as a component of creative thinking, which is largely responsible for the person’s creative potential development of group, dialogue and individual solutionscognitive problems in a variety of intelligent systems.


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