Keywords: transversality, postmodernism in education, sustainable society development, transversal competences, skills and abilities


The article is dedicated to the problem of transversal competence development in modern society. It isdefined that the main task of education is an adaptation to changes and providing employers with specialistswho can easily face any challenges of modern society. The relevance of the research can be understood bythe necessity to select a set of cross-disciplinary competences that provide transfer of learning and insurancethat they comply with demands of the 21st century. Purpose of the study is to distinguish factors of transversalcompetences formation in society. Methodological part of the research consists of the set of theoreticalmethods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization and comparison of scientific literature and systematizationof received results. The article emphasizes on the claim that modern process of education is founded onthe ideas of sustainable society purpose of which is to appease to the society needs without jeopardizing needs of the future generations. Concept of education for sustainable development is essentially new way of worldview that exists on the balance between social and economic prosperity with cultural and educational traditionswith positive impact on environment. In order to form a training system of future specialists, theoreticaland methodological approaches have been identified that are relevant today. In accordance with the highlightedaspects of the development of society, are distinguished such approaches as: synergetic approach, systemic one, activity and competence aproach .It is underlined that the necessity of transversal competence implementationinto the educational process is defined by the correspondence with rapid growth of social and economic changesin the society that can be observed globally. Main peculiarities of transversal competences that are necessaryfor their formation in a society are pointed out. It is proved that the person who poses transversal competencesis a specialist of innovative character that can easily adapt to any work sphere and any changes in the society.According to the received results, it is found out that factors for transversal competences formation in societyare based on the principles of postmodern education and peculiarities of the sustainable society. Among mainfactors we can point out postmodern education, long live learning, directives of sustainable society and socialand economic changes of the 21st century that form new paradigm of education. Future studies can be continuedby applying theoretical knowledge in empirical research connected with the creating the model of transversalcompetence formation.


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