Keywords: educational environment, educational space, natural educational environment, natural competence, educational materials, wildlife habitat.


The article provides a scientific-pedagogical substantiation of the theoretical-methodological essence of the educational environment and the specifics of the organization of the natural educational environment, its importance in the teaching of the natural educational field in primary school. The concept of “educational environment”, “educational space”, “natural educational environment” is characterized. It is noted that a balanced and organized educational environment creates favorable conditions for encouragement, selfdetermination, development of children’s abilities for future adaptation in life. On the basis of the views of scientists, an attempt has been made to expand the interpretation of the concept of “educational environment” as a complex of natural, physical, social entities that directly influence the development of a child of primary school age, his creative, professional and personal development, contribute to the appearance of personally oriented communications, the creation favorable organizational and pedagogical conditions for comfortable life. Characterized two basic principles of the modern educational environment: flexibility and stability. The importance of the zoning of the classroom as a factor of subject associations of primary school students was revealed. The importance of selecting elements of the educational space based on the principle of a unified approach is noted. The structure of the classroom educational environment is described, which motivates and motivates productive cognitive activities. It is noted that the problem of organizing a natural educational environment in primary school is very important for learning the natural educational field. It has been established that an important educational center for the acquisition of natural science knowledge by elementary school students is the educational / research center (natural science center) of the educational environment for the implementation of educational and research activities, which contains the necessary educational materials. The importance of the presence of a real piece of nature in the educational environment of the class in order to develop research skills, understanding of the importance of environmental protection activities of primary school students is noted.


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