• R.V. Sluhanskaya
Keywords: spiritual and creative potential, clinical reasoning, future doctor, mental actions and operations, professional activities, professional thinking, professional education, development, creative thinking, formation


The article highlights scientific approaches to understanding the phenomenon of thinking; revealed views on the problem of formation of professional clinical and creative thinking in pedagogical and psychological thought; determined the clinical characteristics of creative thinking; clarified the characteristics of professional thinking; attempt to identify ways to optimize the process of professional development of clinical thinking of the future doctor in the context of the formation of his spiritual and creative potential while studying in higher medical educational institution. The quality problem of the formation of clinical thinking as the basis of competence tori skills of future physicians can be solved for support innovative educational technologies involving the use of methods of formation of creative, systemic thinking, designed not only to play back the acquired knowledge, but also to solve non-standard tasks. The solution to this problem involves not only teaching, but also the organizational and methodical ways of improving medical care. In this regard, in clinical medicine it is necessary to develop and implement systematic methods of improving the formation of clinical thinking not only on the stages of learning, but in the process of practical professional activity. The process of professional development of clinical and creative thinking of the future doctor is under the influence of incentives: creating a favorable learning environment as close as possible to professional, spiritual interaction between teachers and students, creative atmosphere, encouraging a creative approach to problem-solving and new ideas, creating opportunities for debate, discussion, professional creative dialogue. Today, in conditions of acute professional competition put forward new requirements to the personality of the doctor and medical services, which necessitates the development of creative and spiritual potential of future physicians in the process of professional preparation, determination of the factors influencing this process


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