• A.S. Evtifiev
Keywords: subjective factors in judging, wrestling, dynamics of changes the rules, analysis of competitive activity


In this article the relevance of the study to detect changes in the rules of competition wrestling in Ukraine. The modern viewer, which offers a wide selection of entertainment, a much greater extent than previously required a sharp plot, rapid understanding of what is happening on the carpet. Changes caused by increased requirements for entertainment events in general. Also, changes are needed because of biased intervention of judges in the match, with negative effects on the athlete. It is noted that the nature of the fighter in the sport duel essentially depends on the operating rules of the competition. Indicated that reduce the time and competitive match marked increase in the intensity of fighting and lead to the conclusion that the increase in the proportion of anaerobic performance in the overall energy balance of the fight. Analysis of the literature found no studies leading to the selection and evaluation of subjective factors in judging. The article noted the high requirements that relate to the field of mental athlete. This is due to the fact that fatigue, dictated by the development of
multiple significant effort in terms of active confrontation rival in conjunction with moving emotional back- ground, depending on the state of the athlete, the reaction of the fans, the degree of realization of the clashes and individual actions, as well as the other factors can cause mental decline reliability and, consequently, the effectiveness of technical and tactical skills. Multiple and often biased intervention of judges in the match have a significantly negative  pact on the emotional state of the athlete. Thus, any change in the structure of competitive activity leading to a corresponding adjustment of the training process, especially when it comes to radical changes in the rules of the competition. Also, the article revealed the lack of research aimed at the selection and evaluation of subjective factors in judging competitions in wrestling.


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