The article is devoted to the problem of vocational training of elementary school teachers. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the author developed its structure, which serves as a system-forming component of teacher training – on the one hand and as a complex independent and dynamic system – on the other hand. The structure of vocational training of primary school teachers identified the following components: general,
psychological and pedagogical, special (including methodical), practical. The author has proved that each component of the overall structure of vocational training of primary school teachers is interrelated with the corresponding block of disciplines of the curriculum of a specialty. Consequently, the content and structure of the training of future primary school teachers are reflected in the normative documents regulating the educational process of modern higher education institutions. The author substantiates the necessity of updating the professional training of future teachers in the context of the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School on the basis of a competent approach. It was outlined the need to determine the relationship between the structure of vocational training and the components of professional competence of future primary school teachers; the development of the content, structure and functions of the components, the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence for
future teachers of the specialty 013 “Primary education” in domestic institutions of higher education.
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