The article deals with the axiological analysis of the terminology apparatus of the general interpretation of the system and its properties (types, functions and means of systemic activity); the principles of management in the author's interpretation formulated definitions of the organization of the management structure and the organizational management architectures. Today, considering the global environmental and socio-economic problems associated with the threat of a new type of war, terrorism, cloud organization of systems and the uncertainty of the development of
organizational systems of the European Union, which must ensure its safety as a priority scientific knowledge, is the methodology of studying nonlinear systems, as well as management. Proceeding from the above goal of this work – to achieve the overcoming of systemic and civilizational risks and creative modeling of their future development by eliminating the bifurcation dangers of the development of systems of any level and functional affiliation (by types and at levels of management); subject – a conceptualcategorical apparatus for the interpretation of systems and the organization of their management; object – the process of scientific knowledge and interpretation in the field of system theory and development of control systems. Methods of systematic-axiological analysis of the essential content of the conceptual-categorical apparatus, heuristic methods of expert conclusions (individual and collective examinations).
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