• V.M. Kalashniuk
  • L.V. Melnyk
Keywords: general education, teachers of music and singing, musical aesthetic education, listening to music, choral singing, improvisation, movement towards music


The article focuses on the fact that the existing concept of musical education of teachers is based on meth- odological and theoretical principles of  humanization of education, the concept of cultural and historical per- sonality development, the position of a person’s social value and social and environmental determinism of his development in the process of musical specialization, the meaning of musical traditions of the people. It is noted that, unfortunately, far from always rich Ukrainian traditions in the field of music education have been developed in the modern national education system. It is proved that the study of the musical environment has shown that the modern youth musical environment is significantly different from the musical environment of previous generations in that the traditional mechanism of the continuity of generations, characteristic of the musical socialization of a person, has ceased to “work”. One of the main reasons for this lies in the alienation of musical culture from the personality, when musical works in the human environment often do not make the expected impact on the development of personality, leads to the fact that the personality itself ceases to feel the need for practical mastering the values of music. It describes that the process of musical education, built on the
consistent development of the musical environment, the continuation of the traditions of education in everyday life, the subjectively motivated role of the national musical culture, becomes a factor in the development of the musical needs of the child and creates favorable conditions for its attraction to musical values, the devel- opment of socially and spiritually significant qualities personality. Analysis of the musical environment made it possible to determine that in the process of familiarizing a person with musical culture it is important that an
individual assimilates musical culture and thereby expands the content of the inner life of the subject of society.


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