• L.M. Lazarenko
  • N.V. Marakhovska
Keywords: professional self-realization, peer observation, pedagogical training, foreign language teacher, higher education institution


In the present paper the issues of professional self-realization of a foreign language instructor in the process of peer observation have been disclosed. On the basis of scientific literature analysis and examination of the regulatory framework for higher education it has been found out that peer observation is considered to perform the controlling function rather than the self-developmental one. The necessity of organizing and conducting the peer observation training session for instructors of foreign language departments in higher education institutions has been substantiated. The training session is aimed at creating pedagogical conditions for understanding the essence and objectives of peer observation, acquiring knowledge about methods and stages of peer observation, developing necessary skills (observation, analysis, communication) and pedagogical reflection. The stages of the training session (motivation, content and process, reflection and result) as a method of professional selfrealization of foreign language instructors have been described. A variety of training methods and techniques used at each stage has been presented. They include mind-mapping, doing true / false tasks, watching and discussing a demonstration video, learning and practicing the pineapple peer observation technique, filling in a feedback form, etc. Professional self-realization of foreign language instructors has been defined as a purposeful activity aimed at revealing and maximizing their teaching potential, and promoting self-development in the
process of peer observation.


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