• O.M. Morenko
Keywords: readiness, psychological readiness, professional readiness, professional self-improvement, criteria for readiness for professional self-improvement, social worker


The article is devoted to the problem of the readiness of future social workers for professional self-im- provement. The purpose of the article is to define and substantiate the criteria for the readiness of future social workers for professional self-improvement. Readiness for professional self-improvement is an important ele- ment of professional development of the personality of the future specialist and affects the effectiveness of the
pedagogical process and the results of the future specialist. The article deals with the peculiarities of the pro- cess of forming the readiness of future social workers for professional self-improvement. The literature offers various definitions of the content of the concept of “readiness”, describing its various parameters. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, the essence of the concepts of “readiness”, “psychological readiness” and “professional readiness” is considered. The content of the concept “readiness of future social workers for professional self-improvement” is specified. The main criteria of the readiness of future social workers for professional self-improvement are determined and theoretically substantiated: motivational-value, cognitive, activity and personality-reflexive. When choosing the criteria for forming the readiness of future social workers for professional self-improve- ment, the content of the components of its structure was taken into account and the following criteria were
selected: motivational-value, cognitive, activity, person-reflexive. The prospect of further searches is to supplement the criteria and indicators of readiness levels for profes- sional self-improvement of future social workers. This will allow for monitoring studies to identify ways to increase the readiness of future social workers for professional self-improvement.
Key words: readiness, psychological readiness, professional readiness, prof


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