The article presents the model of propaedeutic learning of Ukrainian language for foreign students in the universities. The initial provisions of the research are formulated, the theoretical foundations of the experimental educational process model are grounded. They are: methodological approaches, didactic principles, methods and forms of teaching and also pedagogical conditions such as selection and educational material organization functionality, use of ICT in the process of language training for foreign students; optimal pedagogical communication; taking into account students national-psychological characteristics. The intentions, which students should be able to realize with solving certain communication problems, are selected. from the educational-professional, social-cultural and everyday spheres of communication typical communication situations are selected. In particular, at the end of experimental training, the student must be able to implement basic communicative intentions in such situations of communication as administrative institutions (dean’s office, directorate of the institute, office, etc.); on the railway, at the airport; in the kiosk, in the shop, in the box office, in the bazaar; on the post; in a bank, at an exchange office; in a restaurant and cafe, in the dining room; in the library; at classes, at university; on the streets of the city, in transport; in the theater and the cinema, in
the museums, on the excursion; in the clinic, at the reception at the doctor, in the pharmacy; in a telephone conversation; in the hotel etc. The model covers three stages. They are introductive, basic and frontier. Each of the stage has its formulated goal, the main methods and means of experimental training, the system of exercises. The results are analyzed. The results were analyzed with a special formulated system of criteria and
determined level of speech training for foreign students. The basic criteria of students’ readiness are defined: as lexical-grammatical, perceptual-functional, content-functional and interactive-functional. Levels of trained students are divided into high, sufficient, basic and low. As a result of the work of the molding experiment,
positive qualitative changes were recorded at each stage.
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