• P.M. Yalovskyi
Keywords: competence, professional competence,, future teachers of musical art


The article reviews the current state of knowledge of the problem of formation of professional competence of future teachers of musical art. The latest approaches to the definition of the essence and structure of the concept “professional competence of the teacher of musical art” are carried out. On the basis of the analysis of modern musical and pedagogical scientific sources, the author formulates his own interpretation of the concept.
The strategic direction of reformation of the modern professional pedagogical education is the introduc- tion of competence approach to training and education of students, which allows to implement the idea of thorough professional training not only as a professional but also as a fully developed personality. The use of competence-based approach in the field of art education provides the preparation of future teachers of musi- cal art, that are able to understand music as a social phenomenon and its use in artistic and educational work with students, who are able to apply and improve obtained in the process of studying professional disciplines knowledge, abilities and skills in musical and educational activities. It is found out that the problem of the formation and improvement of the professional competence of future teachers of musical art is today one of the important areas of research in the field of artistic pedagogy. It is noted that at the present stage of development of pedagogical science, the researchers have not come to a consensus in the interpretation of the concepts “competence”, “professional competence” and the definition of
their structural components. It is set that the concept “professional competence of the teacher of musical art” is based on the general pedagogical formulation of this concept and interpreted by researchers in different ways: the integrative for- mation from the key competences; the quality and characteristics of the individual; the ability to practice; as a combination of special, social and personal training. Analyzing the scientific sources, we came to the conclusion that the professional competence of future teachers of musical art is an integrative education, which combines the professional knowledge, skills and abil- ities formed in the process of studying professional disciplines in the higher education institution, and involves
the ability to musical-pedagogical, creative and instrumental-performing activity.


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