• N.P. Pavlyk
Keywords: values, motives, goals, needs, level of aspirations, future social pedagogues, professional competence


The value-motivational criterion of the level of future social sphere specialists’ professional competence determines the peculiarities of the student’s personal motivation, which should be taken into account in the process of professional training. The study of the criterion was carried out with the help of V. Gorbachevsky’s questionnaire, which meets the requirements of validity and reliability, and allows to describe the motivational structure of the individual, to study the features of the level of claims, motivation, values and goals of training the personality of future specialists. The survey was conducted in the course of fulfilling professional tasks by students, which allows actualizing the cognitive, social, and personal needs of the participants of the experiment. It has been established that the unsatisfactory level of value-motivational component of professional competence is inherent in 7% of students of the group and characterizes their unmotivatedness and lack of orientation of a person to professional training. Sufficient level of value-motivational component shows the predominance of external mechanisms of stimulation of future specialists’ educational activity, is inherent in 25% of respondents. The average level of value-motivational component is characterized by instability of motivational
components, their dependence on the conditions of learning, subjects of the educational space (52% of respondents). The high level of value-motivational component (15% of respondents) indicates the deep internal interests of future specialists to social and pedagogical activities, the desire of young people to reveal themselves in the profession, the awareness of the connection between professional training and professional self-realization. The conclusion is drawn on the necessity to take into account the value-motivational factor of the professional competence of future social pedagogues in the organization of educational activities. An effective tool for such influence may be informal education, which allows to take into account individual interests, social
needs, professional demands of future professionals.


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