• O.S. Humankova
Keywords: differentiated instruction, prospective preschool English language teachers, professional methodological training


The article deals with the problem of the realization of the differentiated instruction in the process of prospective preschool English language teachers’ professional training, in particular their training in the field of methods of foreign language teaching. The differentiated instruction is viewed as an integral part of the personality-oriented approach. The author considers the differentiated instruction effective as it gives an opportunity to take into account psychological peculiarities of the students, helps to meet their needs, reveals their abilities and interests, creates the conditions for self-realization of a personality of the student in the process of professional training. The author analyses different psychological peculiarities of the students: general learning abilities, special abilities, interests, cognitive styles, which can be used in the process of the differentiated instruction implementation. The characteristic features of various types of the differentiated instruction have been highlighted. The succession of the teachers’ actions in the process of the differentiated instruction incorporation has been determined: diagnostics of the students’ peculiarities; choosing the peculiarities typical for a certain number of students; adjusting the components of teaching to the peculiarities of the students. The paper focuses on the practical ways of the integration of various types of the differentiated instruction in the context of classes in methods of teaching English.


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