• O. I. Kovnir


The problem of formation of political culture of acquires special actuality during the period of transformation of socially-economical relations in modern Ukraine, that takes place under conditions of socially-economical instability, wide development of the world financially-economical crisis in its native variety and continuous search, and at the same time, ways of confirmation of national consciousness and self-consciousness, working out basic principles of the formation of national idea. Analysis of socially-political situation in Ukraine testifies that indifferent generation towards socially-political events, which is not ready for conscious and active participation in socially-political life of the country, grows up. Searching of ways of solving this task, the basis of which includes contradictions between state order of the society for the preparation of a personality of a modern young man in high school, which knows political culture, and between insufficient working out of scientifically methodical principles of the realization of this order. It forms the basic problem of the suggested article


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