• A.V. Kurienkova
  • Y.A. Bondarenko
Keywords: competence, social competence, social competence structure, society, integration


In this article the problem of studying the social competence in the theory of pedagogical education is analyzed. The attention is focused on the comparative characterization of the Ukrainian and foreign scholars’ views on such concepts as "competence", "social competence", "the social competence structure," which are investigated in philological, psychological and pedagogical aspects. The interest of researchers in studying the social competence issue in the field of correctional education is highlighted. Special attention is paid to the structural components of the social competence; various approaches to their classification are presented. The skills and qualities of the social competence, which the individual should obtain, are described. The characteristic of the social competence as an "umbrella construction" is given. It was found that the social competence is an integrated quality of the personality and a component of person’s socialization, the formation of which is necessary for the further successful socialization of individuals. The social competence for disabled people is a significant component of their socialization, as it involves building knowledge and skills regarding communicative, behavioral interaction with other people, professional self-realization and fulfillment of social roles both in the family and society. Obviously, it is important to develop this competence at the preschool age. This is a burning issue particularly for children with disorders of mental and physical development.


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