• I.V. Tymoshchuk
Keywords: foreign language, , online environment, didactics, teaching, communication, globalization, native speaker, media resource


With the development of the online environment there have appeared more opportunities to improve foreign language skills that involve interaction with others through the social networks. The use of the online environment in the everyday life contributed to the development and expansion of sci- entific information and publications, and as a result – an increase of e-books, manuals, textbooks, magazines, videos, audio products. The value of the web can’t be ignored, because it has eliminated the borders between countries around the world. Among the main reasons of the online environment use for learning foreign languages there can be distin- guished authenticity, literacy, cooperation, vitality and widening of opportunities. The advantages of the Internet in studying and deepening the knowledge of foreign languages are: vast opportunities, saving time, reasonable price, flexibility, practical orientation, testing the level of knowledge.


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