The article describes the main approaches (by branch, by territorial principle, by levels of management, by components of the educational process, by the forms of circulation) and identifies the requirements to the clas- sification of management functions in the domestic education system (the selection of specific classification features, the division of the management essence into functions on several characteristic, taking into account the synergies between management functions, selected on base of different groups of features; specification of management functions, that reflect the dynamism of the controlled and leading systems, as well as their correlation). Also the qualitative difference and the sequence of their implementation at different stages and in different levels of management (at the state, regional, and intraschool) are highlighted. It is emphasized that the improvement of the intraschool management functions in the modern context should be based on the well-developed conception, in which the goals, tasks and methods of research as well as the role and place of
the functional and cost analysis are underlined.
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