• I.V. Mordvinova
Keywords: methodological principles health-saving education, strategy, primary school, primary school childrens


The article highlights the methodological principles of health-saving education of younger pupils in schools in Poland. Under the methodological principles of health-saving education we mean the analysis of educational and preventive strategies health-saving that contribute to the implementation of laws, projects, resolutions at all levels and healthy lifestyles younger students. Was characterized educational and preventive strategies of health-saving: information, alternative strategy of interventions, harm reduction, environmental changes and strategy of changes the rules. Was definition the features of each strategy and the need of them implemented in the educational process of the initial level. The main task of the modern school is the use of educational and prophylactic strategies of health-saving to form the students need to value their own health and lives, the creation of an enabling environment for children's understanding of advantages of a healthy lifestyle, encouraging independent and informed choice approach to lifestyle and rapid and effective dissemination of knowledge about health. For the implementation of these strategies in elementary school meets the school administration, teachers, pupils, parents, school counselor, nurse and coordinator, which organize and responsible for the implementation of educational and prevention programs, conducting health-saving activities and conduct advocacy at school among students of different age categories. Reformed school requires management of the school and modern teacher which owning a full range of knowledge and skills needed to imple


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