• S.I. Yakymenko
Keywords: a child, skills, cognitive research activity


The article is devoted to an actual problem of cognitive research activity of preschool and primary school aged children. The description of development conditions of children research activity is carried out. It is shown that this problem gets the special value due to the application of methods of independent, creative research search in the educational process. As a result of research the essence of the concept "informatively-research activity", "research behavior", in the psychologist - pedagogical literature is considered, basic skills and skills of informatively - research activity with use of tasks of creative and research character are defined. Development of education in Ukraine focusing on entry into the world educational space is accompanied by significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice which is directed on formation of the educated, creative person, and also providing conditions for the main thing - disclosure of his abilities, enrichment of experience and satisfaction of educational requirements. At present the educational system in Ukraine the quality of education and level of students are determined by many factors. According to many scientists one of the backbone criteria of education is the cognitive research activity of children. Educational research behavior is valuable because it provides a firm foundation for the gradual transformation of the learning process and the development in processes of higher order i. e. self-learning and self-development.


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