• E.V. Kompaniy
Keywords: creations of text, didactics principles, methodical principles that is conditioned by communicative approach and development of broadcasting, junior schoolchildren


The article attention applies on didactic principles of studies of junior schoolchildren of creations of text.
Didactics and methodical principles that predetermine maintenance of creation of texts and choice of meth- ods are certain an author; essence of principle of scientific character (capture of knowledge certain totality)
is analyzed under this visual angle), availability (teaching of material is from easy to difficult, from known to unknown), consciousness and creative activity (choice optimal on a volume, complication of material), systematic character and sequence (intercommunication of the mastered phenomena, in the certain sequence of their presentation), following and perspective (successive mastering of knowledge and abilities with support on studied on the level attained by students), evidentness (the use of evidentness is as illustrative and verbal supports), textostentrezm (organization of educational process with text), communicative orientation (development of communicative-speech abilities is on the basis of exercises), understanding of language values (a comprehension and correct choice of values of words are in the construction of sentences in text), development of sense of language (realization of rightness it and stranger broadcasting), expressivenesses of language (feel expressivenesses of broadcasting, emotional tints of words), passing ahead mastering of the verbal broadcasting are before writing (creation of verbal texts then writing) from position of creations of text; the most effective evident facilities, that give an opportunity it comfortably to visualize static and dynamic information,
interest schoolchildren, give material brightly, are described.


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