• E.S. Barbina
Keywords: humanization of education, humanistic education, vocational and technological training, principles of professional training, self-actualization


The article analyzes the role of humanistic education as an important component of professional training of future specialists of technological direction. Humanistic education as specially organized process should be aimed at formation of humanistic relationship-oriented universal and national-spiritual values among all actors of the educational process through student-oriented interaction and co-creation with the aim of creating favora- ble conditions for maximum self-actualization and self-realization. The proposed set of principles determines the tactics and strategy of teachers of psychological-pedagogical and professional (technologically-focused) disciplines on updating goals, objectives, content, selection of forms and methods of humanistic education, all of which listed the main directions of an algorithm is its embodiment in the system of professional training of
future specialists. The main directions of humanistic education of students outlined in the article, can be imple- mented on the basis of the guiding principles of the professional training of future specialists (humanization, continuity, integrity, comprehensiveness, integration, active communication, the organic unity of personality and activity approach, individualization, axiology, acmeology), which described in the publication


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