• N.I. Butenko
  • J.O. Gamozka
  • V.V. Elkina
Keywords: education, esthetic education, Literature, means of education, musical compositions


In the article is considered the actual problem of esthetic education of pupils. The role of esthetic educa- tion in the development of personality is difficult to redefine. The important place in the content of esthetic education occupies the formation of esthetic taste in pupils, which is connected with experience of the beauty. The important role of the music as the mean the education. Among different means of esthetic education mu- sic occupies the special place. It promotes the development of conscience and feelings of the personality. We agreed that it is very important to use musical compositions on the Literature. Using music and different un- conventional methods on the lessons enrich the worldview and attract for doing special educational task. The article has the analysis of different approaches for solving this problem. Conclusions are made on the basis of experience and experimental inferences.


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