• I.V. Samsakova
Keywords: museum pedagogics, museum and pedagogical process, museum environment, personality education, museum and pedagogical principles, methods and techniques, museum with institution of higher education


In the article the author reveals such concepts as «pedagogical process», «museum and pedagogical pro- cess», «museum environment», «museum pedagogics», that in turn solves the problems of personality for- mation, namely: the problem of involving of young students towards research activity by means of museum exposition with the use of information technologies; the problem of the development of their research skills and creative abilities; the problem of making the ability to form independent judgments and estimates, critical thinking skills; The pedagogical principles, methods and techniques in the education of student's personality, as well as the conditions of effective application of pedagogical technologies in the practice of the school are outlined in the article. The place and role of museum-pedagogical tools in the educational process are investigated by the author. Also the relevance of an exhibit as a kind of symbol of some epoch and culture is specified. Special attention is paid to the analyzing of the activities of museums at educational institutions as an important means of formation of comprehensively developed personality. The main objectives of the school museum as a dynamic, interactive educational space are presented in the study. Also the article deals with the characterizing the activity of the museums of the historical profile at educational institutions of Kherson region that are creative laboratory of education of pupils, where on the basis of personally-oriented approaches and use of different types of practical activity teachers train the younger generation as responsible citizens.


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