• V.L. Fediaieva
Keywords: holistic development, personality, pedagogical process, training


This article describes the issues in a holistic development of personality of the student, which includes the development of cognitive sphere, the formation of a new level of the child's needs, the emergence of relative- ly stable forms of behavior and activity, the development of social orientation. List of components of school development of person as personality and work entity is given. The content and foundations of physical and psychic person development that is up to the requirements of the general laws of development are described succinctly. The article offers an analysis of premises, process and results of realization of course of personality formation. The study substantiates the historical approaches of native scholars to the settling of the conception of the entire pupil personality formation in the context of the child psychology formation at the end of XIX – at
the beginning of the XX century. Special attention is paid to importance of its introduction into the practices of the organization of the educational process nowadays. The author draws on scientific points of A. Leont’ev, L. Vygots’kyi, L. Rubinshtain, G. Kostiuk, V. Romenets’, V. Miasyshchev and O. Lazurs’kyi which caused the investigation trends of personality formation. Also the criteria of differentiation of the notions «personality formation» and «individual formation» are defined, in this context the features of personality formation are identified. The author determines a close interconnection of the pedagogical conception of entire child personality formation and theory of sociocultural perception of entire active personal approach, which the pedagogical
conception of entire formation and upbringing of child as a subject of children activity originate from.


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