• B.V. Chupryna
Keywords: dramatization, acting, education, cultural and leisure activities, abilities, art


The article describes the features to attract young people to a dramatized acting, which is a component of acting, in the process of cultural and leisure activities. It illuminates the complex problems which are solved in the use of dramatized acting aimed at training human personality. Classification of dramatized acting is given. The involving of young people into particular acting activities (educational and motivational elements) is determined. In accordance with the human age peculiarities the rules of dramatization are disclosed. These rules should be used in the teaching by the trainers and heads of the sections. Today’s social and cultural situation is characterized by a number of complex processes that emerged in the spiritual life such as the loss of spiritual and moral guidance; children, youth and adults estrangement from culture and art; significant reduction of
financial support to cultural institutions, including the activities of modern cultural entertainment centers. In this process the task of culture experts and their educational functions are greatly enhanced. Cultural and rec- reational activities as one of the important components of society functioning has a great power of notional and emotional impact on a person. A wide variety of their forms, tools and techniques can bring people to the idea of spiritual wealth of society. The meaning of cultural and leisure activities in specified by the society needs in improving social relations which is necessary for the development of diverse human abilities, productive spending their leisure time, introducing and involvement into artistic achievements.


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