• A.G. Shevtsova
Keywords: Junior school age, peculiarities of the development of the child, social situation of the development, moral education


The article proves the importance of taking into account age features of development of younger schoolchildren in the educational process of primary school. It is established that this age is a sensitive period for moral formation, active formation of personality, development of mental cognitive processes, emotional and motivational values of the spheres. As a qualitatively specific stage of mental development it is characterized by many changes which constitute together the originality of the structure of the child’s personality at this stage of its development. It gives grounds to speak about the socio-pedagogical and psychological characteristics of children of a certain age. The results of this work argue that the specificity of the child of the primary school age is determined by such factors as: heredity, health status, social changes, social environment, organization of educational process of educational institutions and others. It indicates the dynamics of age peculiarities of a child’s development and requires scientists to further research and development, taking into account so- cial changes, needs and requirements of modern education. The results of this work should be developed by teachers, educationalists, psychologists, parents in planning the educational work of the primary school and included in the daily activity of each child and the classroom group as a whole.


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