• Е.М. Fateeva
Keywords: innovation process, innovation activity, innovation management, management of technology, innovation environment


The article is devoted to the actual problem; there is a reflection of management of innovative processes in general educational establishments. Based on the review the management makes it possible to maintain the competitiveness of our education, to strengthen the national government society and the individual security. The article notes that different approaches to the innovative management in modern practice are realized. The analysis of the scientific literature indicates that the cadres, organizational, financial, informational, technolog- ical resources, compliance with the conditions necessary for the effective running of innovation processes, a favorable social and psychological atmosphere, the teacher willingness and readiness to the innovative activity, overcome of change resistance are belonged to such conditions. The conditions of the effective management of innovation processes in the space of educational institution are revealed. Successful management studies of innovation processes in schools make it possible to identify the factors that encourage such activities and ensure their progressive development. First it is the creation of conditions for innovative activities a target and valuable aspects of management, its technological support. Undoubtedly, there are still problems faced by managers in the management of educational innovations, such as: the development of the innovative teachers’ capacity, overcoming the resistance by changes. These are important issues have to be resolve by both scien- tists and practices.


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