• Nubar Zabir Huseynova
Keywords: information technologies, e-resources, communication, education process, Internet


Education is the most mobile and responsive part of life of the modern society. It is not accidental that during the revolutionary turning points, the reforms primarily concerned education: it is necessary to ensure not only continuity in the education of each generation, but also its quality and high level in order to supply the country with the necessary personnel in all industries as well as contribute to its spiritual growth. The growing interdependence, as well as unity in the world, contributed to the emergence of such large-scale programs as Bologna Process. The latter has contributed, and will continue contributing to the integration of all national education systems in a single global educational space. This is that area where no one should be afraid of globalization (as antiglobalists usually do), unification and standardization, although everybody will have to reckon with it in the local operational conditions of the education system. New technologies, including educational ones such as computerization and other technical means of instruction will help the development of the independent perception of the educational material.


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