• A.M. Andreev
Keywords: professional training, future teacher of physics, innovative professional activity, organization of innovation activities of students, educational process in physics


The article considers the problem of training future teachers of physics to the organization of innovative activities of students in the learning process. Defined the conceptual basis of this training. Them is structured in three units. Theoretical-methodological unit takes into account the empirical facts that lead to the urgency of training future teachers of physics to the organization of innovative activity of students; summarizes the results of studies of various aspects of teacher training to innovative professional activity; defines methodological bases of formation of future physics teachers readiness of the organization of innovative activity of students; is supported by the known approaches to the development of creative activity of students in learning physics. Content-processing unit determines the need to clarify the professional model of the teacher of physics, which should reflect its ability to the organization of innovative activity of students; makes demands on the objectives, content, methods, means and organizational forms of education provided methodological system; points out important features of the educational environment for formation of readiness of teachers of physics to the organization of innovative activity of students; contain approaches to the development of proprietary technology of organization of innovative activity of students. Diagnostic unit provides for the development of diagnostic tools for evaluating the level of formation of students readiness for the organization of innovative activity of students and development of methods of determining the innovative performance of students to which they are involved in the educational process in physics.


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