• I.M. Butsyk
Keywords: model, educational process, research competence, specialist, agroengineering, agricultural machinery


The basis of the research was the need to determine the structure of the organization of the educational process with the development of research competence of the future specialists in agroengineering in the study of their discipline “Agricultural Machines”. The obtained results will allow to simulate the methodical system of education and to introduce it in institutions of higher education. On the basis of the obtained results, the components of the methodological system of development of research competence of specialists from agroengineering in the process of studying agricultural machines were characterized and the structural-functional scheme of organization of the educational process within a certain methodical system was modeled. The indicated model reflects the phased organization of the educational process within the framework of the functioning of such interconnected components as: the target component, which includes the objectives of educational research and scientific research work of students at each stage of studying; contents component consisting of requirements and procedures for selecting the content of training with the orientation to the modern requirements for a specialist in agroengineering and the organization of the educational process, based on general-didactic and specific principles of training; activity-related component, which includes tasks and procedures for the formation of students’ motivation for study work, requirements for the selection and application of methods, forms and means of training at different levels of educational activity when students conduct research tasks; a control component that includes the means and methodology for diagnosing students’ academic achievements. The proposed model of the scientific-methodical system for developing the research competence of future specialists in agroengineering in the process of studying agricultural machines is aimed at ensuring optimal functional efficiency of all its components by taking into account system-forming, integrative, practical-oriented and step-by-step processes in the training.


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