• M.L. Kekosh
Keywords: communicative literacy, laws of communication, principles of communication, techniques of communicative influence, teaching a foreign language


The communicative literacy of a teacher and its significance at foreign language lessons is analyzed. The
laws of communication, which play an important role in pedagogical communication, are explored. The basic
principles of communication and their practical application in teaching a foreign language are determined.
A number of techniques and methods are proposed for creating a friendly atmosphere of communication in
the classroom. The relationship and interdependence of the communicative literacy of the teacher and the
successful acquisition of a foreign language by the pupils are defined. The importance of the communicative
literacy of the teacher is proved; it plays an important role in the organization of the educational process and
involves the teacher’s knowledge of laws, rules and techniques of effective communication, and the ability
to successfully implement them at the foreign language lessons. Communicative literacy involves the use of
communicative code – a system of principles, rules and conventions, which are based on certain categories and
criteria and regulate the speech behavior of communication participants. The communicative code considers
the speech behavior of the interlocutors as well-thought and conscious actions of communication and acts as
a regulatory system for the analysis of speech behavior, its successful or unsuccessful organization, and it is
based on the principle of cooperation by H. Grice and the principle of courtesy of G. Leech.


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