• O.A. Sergeyeva
Keywords: research universities, scientific and research work, students, the USA


Citizens of the United States highly appreciate higher education, as they believe that it is a guarantee of further employment and career development. The American society believe that higher education lies at the heart of economic and social progress, strengthens the position of the country in the world market, supports national security and contributes to democracy.
The analysis of scientific literature has revealed that there are several types of higher education establishments in the United States, the most progressive of which are research universities. It is found out that there are 297 universities of such a type in the country. It has been clarified that most research universities are divided into clusters, according to the dominant field of research. Let us note that the cluster includes partner universities or faculties that work on the same scientific theme and direction. It should also be noted that there have been conceptual changes in approaches to research at the universities in recent decades. Now at universities more and more attention is drawn to the participation of students in the research. In particular, students take part in scientific forums, present their own plans for the implementation of scientific ac- tivities, take active part in the activities of student incubators, summer business schools, innovation clubs, etc. The analysis of scientific literature has revealed several specific features of research universities, namely integration of students’ research activity at any stage of the educational process; a high percentage of "Master" and "Ph.D." applicants and a relatively small percentage of students receiving the first degree in higher edu- cation; a large number of postgraduate education programs; the ratio between teachers and students is 1 to 6,
compared with other educational institutions, where the ratio is 1 to 12, etc.


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