• А.В. Бойченко
  • A.V. Boichenko
  • O.A. Surovov
Keywords: fitness-technology, physical education and sport, students, means of education


The article addresses the problem of finding new means of physical education for students. Strengthening the health of the population of Ukraine is one of the main state tasks. It is solved by increasing motor activity through various types of such activity. The active use of various means of physical education is an important part of the system of educating the young generation and strengthening their health. Due to this, the prerequi- sites for the use of innovative technologies as a  means of physical education for students have arisen. The purpose of the article is to define, substantiate and implement pedagogical conditions for creating an environment. It will be aimed at improving the motor activity of students to promote health through fitness technology in the process of physical education. The article attempts to prove that fitness technologies can be involved in the educational process as a means of physical education. Among various numbers of Internet resources that have a significant educational impact, virtual sports clubs, Internet versions of educational and sports TV channels, social networks, educational in- stitutions websites and others are highlighted. Therefore, now in higher education it is necessary to create an algorithm for individualizing the educational process for physical education, developing methods using new means of physical culture and sports. They
must comply with modern innovative and information technology approaches.


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