• T.M. Duka
Keywords: ecological education, ecological consciousness, emotional and value attitude to nature, pedagogical conditions, author’s fairy tale,, knowledges and ideas of nature content, children of preschool age


Educational reforms in Ukraine are aimed at in-depth analysis and reorganization of education from the point of view of its ecologization and approaching to the world standards. The foundation of creating a new educational space is its preschool link as an important stage in formation of the ecological culture of the indi- vidual. Therefore, in many areas of educational and upbringing work with children of preschool age ecological education becomes more and more relevant.
The purpose of the paper is to determine the pedagogical potential of the author’s fairytale and the conditions of its usage as a technique of ecological education for children of preschool age. The use of fairy tales and passages from them in the everyday communication of an adult with a child makes it possible to satisfy the child’s interest as efficiently as possible, to answer his questions regarding the objects and phenomena of nature with the words of fairytales, to give a fragment of a fairy tale to demonstrate the possible consequences of the child’s activity. The use of fairy tales in educational activities (during classes, excursions, observations in the nature) gives an opportunity to ensure assimilation of ecological information in an interesting form, to form ecological representations of children, a positive attitude to objects and phenomena of nature on the emotional background of a fairy tale. Based on the knowledge and ideas that children receive through the author’s cognitive fairy tale, which combines the scientific basis and figurative form of presentation, the initial forms of ecological consciousness, ecological culture, positive emotional and value attitude to nature and ecologically appropriate behavior and
activities in it are laid.


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