• B.O. Pantyukhov
Keywords: patriotic education, trainees, military institution of higher education, social and humanitarian disciplines


The article provides a theoretical substantiation of the process of trainees’ patriotic education in military institutions of higher education by means of social and humanitarian disciplines. It is stated that since the beginning of the 20th century, domestic military institutions of higher education have focused on creating conditions for the humanization of education, which involves the orientation of the educational process to the full development of the qualities and abilities which are necessary for the future officer and society; engagement in active participation in life, education and military training; a combination of the vital re- alities of every individual trainee with the history, culture and traditions of the Ukrainian people, etc. The creation of a system of higher military education’s humanization resulted, firstly, in the strengthening of the humanitarian component of the educational process (the introduction of additional educational disciplines in the social and humanitarian cycle; the deepening of the humanitarian content of traditional socioeconomic, general, special, technical and scientific disciplines); secondly, in the development of scientific and peda- gogical workers’ skills in the teaching of professionally directed educational disciplines to apply a broad humanitarian component, etc. It is revealed that the content of patriotic education of future officers is differentiated according to the cultural, historical, spiritual, moral, sociopolitical, historical, legal, philological, economic, managerial, infor- matical, psychological, pedagogical and humanitarian directions, as well as military directions and directions of security. On the other hand, the content of these areas is determined by the disciplines of the social and hu- manitarian cycle, which are read by the scientific and pedagogical workers of various departments of military institutions of higher education. These areas of formation of the content of patriotic education, as well as the means of educational disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle are obviously inextricably linked, and their content lines are intergrally “extrapolated” into the personality of the officer through the formation of
high patriotic consciousness, the upbringing of a sense of loyalty for their Motherland, the readiness to serve
in the name of its’ well-being and prosperity


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