Transformational changes in modern society presuppose the formation of medical expert with a high level of dynamism, self-improvement and constant professional search. The article describes the concepts of “mobility”, “social mobility” and “professional mobility”. The given issue is considered by the following scheme: mobility – types of mobility – professional mobility – professional mobility of future bachelors of nursing. The modern legislative framework and standardization of the medical specialist’s actions has a visible negative impact on the mobility of future bachelors of nursing, leading to significant limitation of freedom in the process of choosing the appropriate treatment method. Therefore, the issue concerning the professional mobility of nursing staff is extremely relevant in modern medical education. In view of this, the article deals with the professional mobility of future bachelors of nursing and the main features and factors that influence its formation. Professional mobility of future bachelors of nursing is viewed as a complex construction, which simulta- neously characterizes the quality of personality, personal activity and the process of transforming the person- ality’s individual qualities and working environment. Thus, the quality of personality provides the process of personal development by acquiring key competencies. Personal activity is determined by the events that= change the environment and result in self-realization in both professional and life spheres. The main factors influencing the formation of professional mobility of future bachelors of nursing are the level of economic development, historical type of stratification, demographic factors, social status of the fam- ily and the environment, level of education and individual (personal) qualities. The channels of individual professional mobility are vocational education (secondary, higher, retraining, advanced training, self-education), effective use of educational results, experience and results of professional
activity, personal potential, family and personal relationships.
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