• O.I. Zavydivska
Keywords: health-oriented management thinking, future managers, system of professional education


The necessity, ways of formation and development of modern health-oriented management thinking of future managers through the system of professional education are theoretically grounded. The essence of notion “health-oriented management thinking” is revealed. The simulation of the process of formation and develop- ment of modern health-oriented management thinking of future managers is carried out. Differences between types of health-oriented management thinking of students – future managers are discovered. The stages of formation of scientific health-oriented thinking of future managers are outlined. The point is that one of the main functions of health-oriented thinking is to create in the worldview of student – future managers the need and habit of constantly worrying about their own health and the health of others. The system of learned management knowledge of future managers creates the basis for predicting the content and nature of the development of their health-oriented professional training. It is stated that the topics about development of health-oriented thinking of student – futures managers in economic science, problems of its formation and development prospects will always be relevant. This is especially true for future managers' training, since in the future they will work with other people, will guide their activities in all the meanings of the word.


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