The publication highlights current approaches to the training of future teachers of the natural-mathematical profile, which are based on the principles of the use of form-communicational technologies. To this end, the arti- cle analyzes the modern market for high-quality and efficient software, which is intended for use in the education- al process, in particular the training of future teachers of the physical and mathematical profile. There are some programs in the wide range of electronic programs used in the educational process (Derive, GeoGebra, Gran1, Gran-2D, Gran-3D, DG, Maple, Mathematika, MathLab, Mathcad, Maxima, Numeri, Reduce, Statgraph), which are aimed at specialists of sufficiently high qualification in the field of mathematics and aimed at ensuring their proper professional activity, while the rest of them are aimed at improving the training of students and students in understanding the understanding of certain mathematical concepts and laws, solving problems of different types and levels complexity, as well as to you noho possession of packages of such programs, which generally contrib- utes ICT-competence of students and future teachers of physics and mathematics profile. The article shows that the following sets of GeoGebra, GRAN and Derive programs are given out as one of the best and most suitable for professional teacher training of future mathematics teachers, mathematicians, physicists and computer science since they are quite simple to use and as close as possible to the interface of the most commonly used general-purpose programs. It is determined that in addition to these programs, one more effective way of vocational and pedagogical training of future teachers of the physical and mathematical profile is the Microsoft Exсel table processor, which is an effective means of content analysis of processes and the adoption of appropriate managerial decisions for solving various mathematical problems. Also in the article are examples of solving mathematical problems using this software.
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