• V.V. Kostina
Keywords: specialist of the social sphere, prevention of maladjustment of pupils, cognitive readiness, personal professional potential


An important element of the professional training of future social specialists (social pedagogues and social workers) who will be able to prevent the emergence of a wide range of abnormalities in the behavior of children and young people is to increase their cognitive readiness for an appropriate type of activity that requires updating the content of their professional education. For this purpose, the experimental group Е1 tested the effectiveness of the developed scientific and methodological support, the main elements of which were: general training for the prevention of maladjustment of pupils (supplementing the professional disciplines of training future social pedagogues and social workers); special training of future specialists of the social sphere to work on the prevention of maladjustment in various social institutions (introduction of special courses “Guardianship and Care”, “Designing the social and educational environment for children and youth civic organizations”, “Ethnopedagogy”, “Social work for the formation of a healthy lifestyle”, “Organization of work of social pedagogue with gifted schoolchildren”). Observed is the continuity and close connection of the material during the mastering of the aforementioned courses of general professional training, which creates conditions for the development of the general theoret- ical competence of future specialists in the social sphere and the foundation for the formation of the special professional knowledge, skills necessary for the solution of complex professional tasks in the area of preven- tion of maladjustment of pupils. The emphasis of the future specialists of the social sphere on the essence and peculiarities of the professional activity of a specialist in the social sphere, which carries out the prevention of maladjustment of pupils during the acquisition of professional disciplines “Social pedagogy”, “Theoretical and methodological foundations of social and pedagogical activity”, “Management of social and pedagogical work”, “Social designing”, which gave the opportunity to form a professional interest and the need for profes- sionalism in this direction, as well as lay the foundation for the development of their professional and theoret- ical competence in the indicated direction.


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