• A.S. Kushnir
Keywords: future teachers-philologists, readiness for professional activity, readiness components, criteria and indicators of readiness, readiness levels


This article defines the component structure of the future philology teachers’ readiness for the application of Smart-technologies, which consists of motivational, cognitive and reflexive components. In the context of our research, the motivational component of teachers’ readiness to apply Smart-technologies is their attitude towards the introduction of innovations, the desire for new and more effective methods of improving the educational process. The cognitive component is characterized by the amount of knowledge of the teacher about the specificity of Smart-technologies; a complex of abilities and skills on application of Smart-technologies in the process of learning the language. Indicator of the reflexive component in the structure of readiness for the application of Smart-technologies is the formation of the nature of the teacher’s assessment of himself as a subject of innovation. On the basis of the defined component structure criteria and indicators of readiness are outlined, namely: motivational-target (contains the factors that motivate the future teacher-philologist to use Smart-technologies and are concentrated around the need for understanding modern scientific approaches to innovation); cognitive-content (reflects the developed competencies in philological, psychological and pedagogical disciplines, pedagogical and professional-methodical knowledge and knowledge about Smart-technologies) and evaluative-productive (is characterized by the ability of the future teacher-philologist to control the achievements of students and also to evaluate himself as a subject of innovation activity). Three levels of teacher-philologists’ readiness for using Smart-technologies are also highlighted. The low level is characterized by a negative motivation, which is manifested in the absence of a stable interest in the use of Smart-technologies; students have partially formed knowledge of professional disciplines of philology, psychology and pedagogy and low level of knowledge about Smart-technologies; the reflexive position is manifested in the absence of self-control, self-organization, an effective self-estimation is not developed.


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