A great importance in the process of professional training of students in the Bologna process is the importance of forming a goal in teaching activities. The lack of a clear-cut goal and the content of the training of future specialists, greatly affect the motivational component of the educational process. In the history of pedagogy, there are enough attempts to determine the goals of teaching disciplines. In particular, Y.A. Komenskyi believed that the basis of goal setting should be the process of assimilation, which in his interpretation begins with a verbal interpretation of things, because students do not distinguish the things themselves yet. The purpose of the article is to study the productive foundations of goal formation in the context of the Bologna process, which determines the positive changes in the process of productive professional training of future agricultural specialists. The complex didactic goal of the process of professional training of future specialists in the study of technical disciplines in a generalized form (the first stage is the design of the taxonomy of training objectives by modular education technology), is the formation of the readiness of future specialists for professional activity in the field of modern production. At the second stage of designing the goals of learning modular technology, the teacher develops the objectives of the training modules - integrating the didactic goals of the modules. On the basis of a typical standard curriculum, taking into account the complex didactic purpose of training in technical disciplines, the tasks are presented which a future specialist should be able to solve.
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