The article is aimed at the analysis of implementation of communicative cognitive approach to teaching English as a foreign language to future programmers. The article deals with theoretical basis for using commu- nicative approach and draws specific attention to specific aspects of applying cognitive approach to teaching English speaking to students of technical universities. Main postulates of communicative approach such as: authenticity of learning materials, real-life professional situations and the activity of students as subjects of the learning process have to be the ground for English language teaching and learning within communicative approach. Together with this, theoretical studies of peculiarities of speaking as a king of speech activity give arguments to state that speaking is a complex analytical activity, which involves cognition as its inseparable part. The practice of teaching English to future programmers show that different students show different results within the same environmental learning circumstances, which give us reasons to state that cognitive aspects should not be underestimated while teaching English to students of technical universities. Such postulates as forming language awareness, analyzing students’ cognitive styles and systematic applying of appropriate strategies prove to be effective way of the raise of English speaking results. Organizing the learning process with compliance to the postulates of communicative cognitive approach will allow reaching high level of effectiveness in teaching English speaking at technical universities.
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