The relevance of the studies due to the modernization of higher education, which involves updating the content of the professional training of future teachers, including fine arts teachers who are capable of creative artistic activity, artistic and aesthetic education of schoolchildren, as well as the consistent formation of aesthetic taste and visual culture of schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is to explain the problem of development of the emotional and sensory sphere of future fine arts teachers by means of visual art as a pedagogical condition for the formation of their visual culture while studying in pedagogical universities. The essence of such concepts as “emotion”, “feeling”, “emotional and sensory sphere” is considered. It is determined that the emotional-sensory sphere of a person is a complex psychophysiological and thought-formation system which covers such components as sensation, observation, aesthetic perception, imagination, memory, abstract thinking, language, interpretation. Communication with objects of visual art is most pro- ductive during the visits of exhibitions held in classical and contemporary museums, as well as virtual visits of world museums with the help of media means, the organization of exhibitions with excursions; explanato- ry-illustrative (demonstration using visual means, video materials) and interactive, problem-heuristic, aesthet- ic-therapeutic, artistic and pedagogical technologies.
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