• О.V. Shukatka
Keywords: condition, pedagogical conditions, health, health saving, students, future bachelors of natural specialties


The article deals with the theoretical substantiation of the procedure for distinguishing pedagogical condi- tions of formation health saving individual strategies of future bachelors of natural specialties on the bases of interdisciplinary integration. The definition analysis of categories “condition” and “pedagogical condition” is performed. The semantic-etymological content of the concept “condition” is summarized, and the number of aspects of mentioned interpretation is defined. In order to substantiate the content filling of the category “ped- agogical condition” a detailed comparative theoretical analysis of scientific studies is done, where the decision of problem of students’ health forming, youth healthy lifestyle, health saving culture and competence of future specialists, educational environment of health saving in higher educational establishments (HEE) by construct- ing pedagogical conditions of the studied process is started. It is completed the analysis of modern dissertation researches, where the practical realization of pedagogical conditions is shown, which provide different aspects of health saving for students during the study in HEE. The author’s interpretation of the category “pedagogical condition” within the scope of the study is given: specially constructed unity of internal and external factors, the realization of which will provide a high effectiveness of the process of formation health saving individual strategies of future bachelors of natural specialties on the bases of interdisciplinary integration. It is resumed, that pedagogical conditions were distinguished with the condition of purposeful formation of all components of readiness of future bachelors of natural specialties to the producing and realization of health saving individual strategies. The purpose of realization pedagogical conditions is provision of education-organizational and scientific-methodical support for the formation of studied phenomenon, based on taking into account structural components of the experimental pedagogical system. Pedagogical conditions of formation health saving individual strategies of future bachelors of natural specialties on the bases of interdisciplinary integration are: the ensuring of invariant motivation of students to the systemic individual health saving in everyday life activity; the distinguishing of qualimetric grounded blocks of health saving information in disciplines of professional and practical training of future bachelors of natural specialties by a quantification of internal and intersubject relationships; the creation of a synergetic environment for purposeful enrichment of abilities, skills and experience of saving and strengthening of students’ health, based on using psychophysiological reserves of the human organism; the organization of individual work of future bachelors of natural specialties in the direction of development and realization of individual health saving strategies.


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