• N.E. Halytska
Keywords: educational reforms, research activities, productive thinking, lessons, research tasks, research skills of students


The article describes various types of reforms in the field of education. Activity is defined as a macrostructure and is indicated on its main components. In the practice of advanced teachers of the 50–60-ies, the research method becomes more common due to the knowledge of new social processes and trends. The period of study in high school is extended for one year and the programs are improved, the number of hours for studying the fundamentals of science by classes is reduced, on the basis of the Law on the link between school and life. Polytechnic principle is decisive in the selection of the content of objects of the natural cycle. To successfully develop the research skills, the teacher sets the following rules: to put students in a clear and understandable and feasible purpose of the study; the success of the study depends on the general level of the student. In the 70–80-ies in the Soviet school carried out extensive work on the modernization of programs for improvement. Pupils’ research work contributed to the development of thinking and creative abilities. An important indicator of the creative process is the formation of such psychic neoplasms, which act as cognitive abilities, research activity. The author noted on the full structure of the productive cycle of thinking. Analyzed archival sources, on the conduct of lessons in order to form the research skills of students. Independent studies and observations evoke thinking on a large scale, looking for causal relationships, making independent conclusions and generalizations, and using research results in work practice. Independent observations and studies include those objects and natural phenomena, as most typically reflect the essential aspects of local natural conditions; available for systematic and regular observations; close connection with the program, in order to form pupils with the development of logical thinking, cognitive interests, and to improve research skills. It was taken into account that the process of learning itself will be carried out through overcoming obstacles, solving the contradictions that arise between those that the student already has the knowledge, skills and those new knowledge, skills that need to be mastered.


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