• L.M. Petrenko
Keywords: G. Vashchenko, paradigm, concept, multifactor, technological approach


Special attention should be paid to the multi-faceted activities of a talented, highly educated teacher, the founder of Ukrainian national pedagogy professor G. Vashchenko. This necessitates a profound study of the experience of G. Vashchenko’s activity and the direction of existing achievements in the education of a person capable of mastering the necessary competencies and successfully working for the benefit of the Motherland.

Describing the concept of education of Ukrainian youth, reflected in the pedagogical heritage of G. Vashchenko, we came to the conclusion: first, this was the first attempt to implement a new system of education on the profound knowledge of the foundations of folk pedagogy; secondly, the concept of the Ukrainian educational ideal is the most valuable component of the education system for young people; thirdly, the development of the above mentioned concepts reaches the depths of the prehistoric period of life of the people, the times of Kiev Rus, the princely period, and embraces the achievements of the modern period; fourthly, the characteristic feature of concepts is the combination of the achievements in educating young people from prehistoric times to modern ones with the religious-pedagogical foundations of Christian morality.

Thanks to the education, broad erudition, deep knowledge of the fundamentals of the life of the Ukrainian people, understanding their spiritual needs, the unwavering desire to help the Ukrainian people in creating a new system for educating young people, G. Vashchenko carried out a deep analysis of the existing systems of education in Europe and America, and directed his intellectual potential to the creation of new paradigmatic trends in the education of the individual, which we call: the paradigm of spiritual and moral education; rationalist; cultural and environmental paradigms.

Summarizing in general the above said, we note that the personality of Gregory Vashchenko was multidimensional, his activity was many-sided. It should be noted that, despite difficult historical events in Ukraine, G. Vashchenko successfully worked as a talented writer, teacher, scientist, researcher-practitioner and tireless organizer of higher education, public figure, cultural and educational worker. His vital interest is marked by a variety of choices, a creative heritage – the depth of scientific thought, the novelty of methods, techniques and forms of work with young people, which have advanced in the 21st century, serve as a benchmark for a modern model of child upbringing. He acts as a far-sighted, educated, patriotic creator of new concepts: the Ukrainian educational ideal; education of the will and character; body education; creative school; as well as the creator of the spiritual and moral paradigm of upbringing the individual and an active participant in the further development of the rationalist, cultural, and environmental paradigms that were founded at that time, rooted in the foundations of folk pedagogy and based on the achievements of Ukrainian and world pedagogical thought. Consequently, given the intensive search for new concepts, paradigms and technologies for the education of the individual, we argue that the use of the multidimensional heritage of G. Vashchenko, distinguished in methodological, theoretical and technological approaches, meets the challenges of today, serves as a benchmark for the modern model of patriotic education, national directed personality. The study does not exhaust all aspects of the identified problem and needs further study of the pedagogical heritage of G. Vashchenko.


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