• O.B. Polievikova
  • T.A. Shvets
Keywords: word centrism, history of foreign pedagogical thought, ancient civilizations, ancient times, Middle Ages, the Renaissance, nineteenth century, continuity of preschool and primary education


The article reveals the origins of word centrism as an innovative technology of language education and speech development of senior preschools and primary school age in the history of foreign educational thought from ancient civilizations and ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, to the XIX century.

However, a historical and pedagogical study was not carried out, in which in generalized the experience of use of word centrism was presented, its genesis was revealed in accordance with the dynamics of the development of preschool and primary education of Ukraine. That is why the appeal to this problem is justified.

Of particular importance are the innovative approaches to ensuring continuity between preschool and primary education, which facilitate the intensification of the dialogic interaction of teachers and children, aimed at the comprehensive development of the young person.

Personality has been studied and pedagogical theories have been substantiated in the context of the research. The basis for the formation of a word-centric approach to language education and speech development of children of senior preschool and primary school age is defined.

Foreign historical-pedagogical thought (from ancient civilizations and antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance to the XIX century) presents the dynamics of the use of teaching methods in word and by word in contemporary educational practice and pedagogical theory (dialogue, Socratic conversation, dispute, proclamation, retelling texts, work with a book, etc.).

The research carried out makes it possible to state the existence of word-centrism origins originating from ancient civilizations, where such techniques as repeated repetitions, questions and answers to them were widely used through mechanical memorization, learning by heart, clarifying complex words and texts, a combination of the abstract and the concrete, etc


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