• L.S. Biletska
  • R.R. Biletskіy
Keywords: educational process in primary school, formation of mathematical knowledge and basic subject competences, game activity, game, game method, gaming technology, gaming situations, use of the game method, developing didactic games, practical tasks of the game forms, cognitive exercises with elements of the game


This article was written about the problem of formation of the basic concepts and subject competences in students during the study of the educational area "Mathematics" in primary school, necessity to find the best ways to implement it in the practice of teaching, selecting effective teaching methods and studying the pedagogical conditions of their practical application in the educational process of the primary school; outlined the need approaching the student learning process to gaming activity as the most natural, the most usual activities of children activity of junior school age, in the process of which students are unfold and quietly learn for themselves; the didactic value is substantiated use of games in student learning for the development of their individual psychological features, logical and creative thinking, attention, memory, imagination, speech, initiative, concentration; the features of rational are analyzed applying game teaching methods and gaming technologies in primary school practice; the organization of educational and cognitive activity of students in individual and collective games is substantiated; reveals the main features of the game, groups and types of games by type of activity and character of the pedagogical process, the structure of the game as a process is given; reasoned of using technology of learning through game activity are substantiated; are revealed the structure, motivation, functions of play activity of pupils, principles and stages of its organization in primary school are revealed; solved the use of the lessons of game techniques and situations; the development and use of the teacher at the lessons of the program of gaming as a set of developing didactic games and their structural components, practical tasks of the game forms, system of cognitive exercises with elements of the game; given examples of didactic material.


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