The article deals with the problem of training future specialists in the chemical industry. It is determined that the processes of development of the chemical industry actualize the problem of appropriate training of highly qualified specialists of chemical profile. It is established that the discipline “Fundamentals of chemical technology” is the main in the preparation of students for future professional activities, the study of which affects the further successful training of students in the specialty. Justified and developed a system of learning objectives of chemical processes, which takes into account the level of memory, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of educational information, as well as professionally important qualities that should be formed in the future specialists of the chemical industry. At the level of memorization, the process of knowledge formation is carried out by perception of information, comprehension, determination of its essential connections and relations, memorization and active reproduction. At the level of understanding of educational information, students should understand the relationship between concepts, judgments and conclusions, be able to justify the stages of solving problems, have knowledge and understand the scope of their application. For the level of application is characterized by the formation of students’ ability to apply rules and methods to solve problems, the ability to allocate in the educational material concepts, compare and summarize knowledge, to comprehend the principles of the organization of the whole. At the level of analysis, students learn to divide information into components, understand, investigate individual phenomena and their interaction, identify theoretical positions, principles, and draw conclusions. For the level of synthesis is characterized by the use of known knowledge in new situations, the creation of objectively new information, solving non-standard problems.
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